Service Description
Photos + Photo booth -$2k | 8 hours for photos; 5 hours for photo booth | | Light edits and touch ups | Enchanced editing for couple photos | # of photos vary | If booking 8 hours, please select 12PM if your start time is later than the options given. -$2.3k | 10 hours for photos; 5 hours for photo booth | | Light edits and touch ups | Enchanced editing for couple photos | # of photos vary | If booking 10 hours, please select 12PM if your start time is later than the options given. -$2.5k | 12 hours for photos; 5 hours for photo booth | | Light edits and touch ups | Enchanced editing for couple photos | # of photos vary | Engagement session included (photos or video) Required $1800 deposit fee & contract signed (sent separately). Invoice: The remaining fees (if any) will be sent via Invoice 10 days before event and is due the day before said event. If more than one service is booked, the fees will be combined into one Invoice. Koobmeej-Photos & Videos have a Sales Tax of 6.875%, which will show in the Invoice. Failure to pay remaining fees by designated date, clients will be charged a late fee (5% of total fee) as liquidated damages for every day after the designated due date (up to 10 days). After 10 days, client will no longer receive video or photos and any remaining fees (along with late fees) must be paid off within 3 days. Failure to do so will result in termination of contract, any fees paid up until then forfeited, client will not receive finished products, photos and video(s) will be deleted and client will be prohibited from any future contact or services.
Contact Details
St Paul, MN, USA